
Bristol International Balloon Fiesta 2012


L'équipe au sol (d.g.à.d.): Gaby, Petra et Roland

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eric, would love to share your hysteria over soebayn prices,however from my perch in nw iowa, just cant see it. usa supplies will be tight but no shortage. since you are sure soy prices will be over $20/bushel by june, would you like to buy my remaining inventory for $15/bushel? sounds like a sure thing for you.farmer dabba


Hi Vishy,This was too gloomy, even for me, a fan of dark, mysiorteus novels, not to mention tragic love stories (I love Wuthering Heights)! Exit Wounds' seems to share similarities with Matar's novel, only here the son was barely a teenager, and almost nothing is as it seems. The father had a double life, his two marriages sort of dubious, especially the second, the characters are (almost) all strangers who share a common past, the links between them so fragile they snap and get renewed constantly. There was a coldness I didn't like, in spite of the overall emotional tone of the novel.I read a bit about First Love , it sounds like the kind of story I would enjoy. Thanks for mentioning it here. jbaymhbnt [link=]vbqttd[/link]

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